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Silver Peak Monitoring (Legacy)

Last updated on 30 January, 2025

LogicMonitor’s Silver Peak monitoring package leverages the VXOA REST API to monitor and map Silver Peak devices and their tunnels.

Setup Requirements

Add Resources Into Monitoring

Add your Silver Peak devices into monitoring. For more information on adding resources into monitoring, see Adding Devices.

Assign Properties to Resources

The following custom properties must be set on the Silver Peak resource within LogicMonitor. For more information on setting properties, see Resource and Instance Properties.

silverpeak.userVXOA REST API username
silverpeak.passVXOA REST API password

Relevant documentation can be found at VXOA REST API Guide.

Import LogicModules

From the LogicMonitor public repository, import all Silver Peak LogicModules, which are listed in the LogicModules in Package section of this support article. If these LogicModules are already present, ensure you have the most recent versions.

Once the LogicModules are imported (assuming all previous setup requirements have been met), data collection will automatically commence.​

Consideration: Enable Stats Exports

For full tunnel metrics, use the Enable stats export global configuration to allow the Collector access to a GMS server folder that contains the stats in .csv format, specifically “tunnels.csv”. See the “Configuring the GMS Server’s System Properties” section of the Silver Peak Global Management System Operator’s Guide for details.


DataSources will print error messages to the console when present. These errors can be seen in the output when manually polling data (from the Raw Data tab that displays from the Resources page for each DataSource). DataSources are designed to handle errors gracefully and will attempt to grab any available data even when errors occur.

LogicModules in Package

LogicMonitor’s package for Silver Peak consists of the following LogicModules. For full coverage, please ensure that all of these LogicModules are imported into your LogicMonitor platform.

Note: Silver Peak LogicModules are replaced by Aruba_EdgeConnect_SDWAN modules following standardized data models and best practices. For more information, see Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN.

SilverPeak_DiskDataSourceMonitors Silver Peak VXOA appliance disks using the VXOA REST API.
SilverPeak_MemoryDataSourceMonitors Silver Peak VXOA appliance memory using the VXOA REST API.
SilverPeak_NextHopsDataSourceMonitors WAN next hops of Silver Peak VXOA appliances using the VXOA REST API.
SilverPeak_System_StatusDataSourceMonitors overall system status of Silver Peak VXOA appliances including bad tunnels, unreachable next hops, memory, and disk utilization using the VXOA REST API.
SilverPeak_TunnelsDataSourceMonitors WAN tunnels between Silver Peak VXOA appliances using the VXOA REST API.
addCategory_SilverPeakPropertySourceAdds a value of “SilverPeak” to the system.categories property if silverpeak.user and silverpeak.pass properties are set and can authenticate to the VXOA REST API.
addERI_SilverPeakERISourceSets Silver Peak ERI and Router ERT.
SilverPeak_TopologyTopologySourceMaps Silver Peak tunnel SD-WAN topologies.

When setting static datapoint thresholds on the various metrics tracked by this package’s DataSources, LogicMonitor follows the technology owner’s best practice KPI recommendations. If necessary, we encourage you to adjust these predefined thresholds to meet the unique needs of your environment. For more information on tuning datapoint thresholds, see Tuning Static Thresholds for Datapoints.

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