Resource Explorer Overview

Last updated on 30 September, 2024

Using Resource Explorer

Resource Explorer displays a summary of the health for all the resources that you are monitoring in your LogicMonitor portal. You can use filters and groups to focus on specific resources based on resource properties such as provider and region, quickly identify resources with critical DataSource alerts, and drill down to investigate the root cause of issues.

Requirements for Using Resource Explorer

To access Resource Explorer, you need a LogicMonitor user with the Resources permission set. For more information, see Users and Roles.


Resource Explorer provides detailed information on monitored resources. For example, selecting a top-level group opens a panel displaying additional information, such as number of resources with critical alerts and the percentage of resources with critical alerts that are Collectors.

Use the Filter by to filter resources based on any property or alias and their values. You can add a filter from the Quick add list or select the plus icon and select or type the resource property into the field. When you add a property filter, the page displays resources that have the property and the values you specify. When you use multiple filters, the page displays only resources that match all of the filters. 

You can enter or select an existing value or use a regular expression wildcard to specify the value. If you do not specify a property value, the page displays the resources where the property exists, regardless of the value (including null values). When you specify multiple values for a property in a filter, the page displays all resources that match at least one of the values. For example, if you filter for Provider: AWS, Azure, GCP, the page displays all cloud resources.

Note: Resource Explorer views are available as Widgets in a LogicMonitor dashboard. If a Resource Explorer widget filter property is the same as the property in the Resource Explorer dashboard, the values in the dashboard property filter override those of the widget, regardless of which was configured first. An icon displays on the widget to indicate the results are filtered. For more information, see Resource Explorer Widget.

By default, filters include results based on the selected values for each property. To exclude results based on selected property values, select the Exclude toggle in the Filter By list menu. This displays all resources except those where the filter values exist for the given property. This option also supports wildcard characters.

Select Clear to remove all the filters from the field.

Note: Filtering in Resource Explorer supports the asterisk * wildcard for matching property values.

For example, filtering for Region: eu*, us*1, *2, *central* returns the following:

  • Regions that start with “eu”
  • Regions that start with “us” and end with “1”
  • Regions that end with “2”
  • Regions that contain “central”

Alert Filters

Alert filters allow you to see filters based on when and how alerts are triggered.

  • Alerts time range- Filter alerts by the time range in which an alert began.
  • Ignore alerts in SDT- Toggle this filter on to filter out alerts currently in service downtime.
  • Alert Datapoints- Add datapoints to the Alert Datapoints field and choose to Ignore or Include datapoints from the dropdown. 


Use Group by to group filtered resources based on one or more properties. When you add a group-by property, the page displays the resources in groups based on the values that exist for the property on those resources. When you add more than one group-by property, the page displays a breakdown of each of the properties into subgroups within that group.

For example, you can quickly add groupings by Provider and Resource Type. This organizes the monitored resources into groups by different values of Provider and then subgroups by different values of Resource Type. You can see if there are critical alerts on resources like Virtual Machines, Kubernetes pods, AWS EBS instances, and more.

The groups and sub-groups are arranged based on the order that you listed the group-by properties. You can rearrange the display order by dragging and dropping the properties in the field. The page also displays the resources that do not contain the selected properties in their own groups.

Clear removes all the group-by properties from the field.

Note: Resource Explorer does not allow grouping on properties that contain sensitive information.

Alert severity

Use the quick filters for alert severity, represented by colored icons, to display resources that have the selected status. You can remove the None status to focus only on the resources that have a Critical, Error, or Warning alert status. By default, all alert severities are included.

For example, if you see a critical alert in AWS/EBS resources you can investigate by double-clicking AWS/EBS to drill down into the group. Because there are fewer resources in this view, the page displays each individual resource as a hexagon.

You can hover over the red hexagon to see brief information about the resource or click on the hexagon to open a panel with more information about the critical alert. From this panel, you can click Complete Alert Details to continue your investigation in a new tab or navigate to the Datapoint Analysis and Log Analysis pages for this alert.

Note: Resource Explorer displays only the alerts that are triggered on the datapoints defined by DataSources for your monitored resources. For more information, see Types of Alerts in LogicMonitor.

Saving and sharing views

You can save the collection of filters and groupings for later use or share your current investigation with other users for review.

  1. On the Resource Explorer dashboard, open the dropdown menu to the left of the Filter By field.
  2. Enter a name for the new saved view in the Save as new View field. 
  3. Select the Save icon.

When you save a view, it is available in your account and not shareable with other users. Saved views include the selection of filters, group-by properties, and alert severity filters. You can access your saved views in the Views menu.

Save icon displays next to the Saved views menu if you make changes to a currently selected saved view. Saving the view with this icon will overwrite the currently selected view.

Use the Copy Link URL icon to copy a customized URL link to the current view. When provided to another user, this URL displays the exact view configuration from the time the URL was generated.

The user can navigate and edit the shared view, but any changes do not reflect in the shared URL. Cloud platform user permissions can affect what information a user can view within a shared view.

Navigating Resource Explorer

The Resource Explorer displays individual resources as hexagons and groups resources together visually in a gray container. Next to the title of each group is a count of the number of resources in the group. Depending on the number of resources, resources in a group may be represented by bars. The color code provides a visual indication of the alert severity status for resources in a group. You can quickly view more information about the resources with the following actions:

  • Hover–Opens a tooltip with brief details about the group or resource. When you hover over a colored section of a bar, the tooltip displays the number of resources in the group with that alert status. When you hover over hexagons, the tooltip displays the NameType, and alert Status for the individual resource.
  • Click–Opens a panel with a summary of information about the resources in the group or details about the individual resource. For example, the panel may provide information about the alerts and metrics on the resource or a summary of the states and inventory of the resources in the group.
  • Double-click–Updates your navigation depending on the element you clicked on. Double-click on a group bar to drill down into the group. Double-click on a hexagon to navigate to that resource’s full details in the Resource Tree page.

Select the Refresh icon next to the Group By field to see the latest information for your resources. Hover over the icon to see when the last update took place.

Select the Fullscreen icon to turn on fullscreen mode. Turning on fullscreen enables auto-refresh, which automatically refreshes resource details every two minutes. This also disables the Filter by and Group by panels and displays only your current filter set. Hover over Last update to see the next auto-refresh time.

Viewing Resource Information

Clicking on groups or individual resources opens a panel that displays summary information about the resource or group you clicked on.  The information displayed in the panel updates as you select different groups on the page, modify the filters and group-by properties, or select and deselect alert severity filters. You can also move the panel by clicking and dragging it around the window.

When you click a group, the panel displays summary information for the resources within that group:

  • Overview–Displays a breakdown of the resources with the highest alert severity within the group. You can select different properties to customize information displayed in the charts. You can also quickly add group-by properties from this panel.
  • Resources–Displays a breakdown of the different types of resources in the group and an inventory of all the resources with information about the alerts and severities. You can select a resource to open a new tab and navigate to its full details in the Resource Tree view.
  • Alerts–Displays a breakdown of the alerts by count and severities. You can view up to 100 recent alerts in the group by severity.

When you click a hexagon or individual resource, the panel displays information about the alerts and metrics on that resource:

  • Alert Details–Displays information about the most recent highest severity alert and links to the Alerts tab for the resource in the Resources Tree. If a datapoint graph exists, it will display the datapoint graph associated with the alert. You can open the Alerts page in a new tab to view the Complete Alert Details, or navigate to the Datapoint Analysis, Log Analysis, or Trace Analysis for the alert if they exist.
  • Metrics-Displays graphs of up to 4 datapoints around the time of the most recent severe alert, or from the last 12 hours if no alerts are present.
  • Info-Displays a curated list of properties for the selected resource. A cloud resource will also display a table of Tags configured on that resource.
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